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sustainable develepment goals

Regular price R$ 511.380,68 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 781.854,66 BRL
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sustainable develepment goals

Discover the power and promise of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in shaping a sustainable and prosperous world. Explore how these goals are driving positive change and creating opportunities for a better future for all.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all

By addressing key challenges such as climate change, inequality, and social injustice, the SDGs provide a roadmap for building a more sustainable and equitable world

Through collaboration, innovation, and commitment, we can unlock the full potential of the SDGs and pave the way for a brighter future for current and future generations

Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous world for all.

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