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orvete bo ei

orvete bo ei

orvete bo ei

Regular price R$ 336.655,59 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 171.174,44 BRL
Sale Sold out

orvete bo ei

Explore the fascinating realm of unique ice cream flavors, from tangy durian to spicy chai, as we delve into a sensory journey like no other.

Picture yourself indulging in a frozen treat, but not just any ordinary ice cream

Venture into a world where flavors transcend the traditional, where a spoonful takes you on a vibrant excursion of taste

From the tropical essence of durian to the aromatic allure of chai, each scoop is a revelation

The clash of sweet and savory, the dance of heat and chill - every bite is an adventure

Embrace the unexpected and awaken your taste buds to a mosaic of sensations

Experience ice cream like never before and savor the magic of extraordinary flavors.

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